5-8 April. 0 miles ????Spent a few days in NHA Trang. A big city right on beach surrounded both sides by mountains covered in lush green Forrest. Spent a little time on beach. Lots of time in coffee shop. Got … Continue reading
Tag Archives: hotel
25 March. HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City) to Johns Hotel. John is a Vietnamese guy who had lived in the US for a while. Interesting guy. Kept telling me not to trust anyone. Always ask price before you agree to buy … Continue reading
Posted from Scotland, United Kingdom. 20th March. Left Phnom Penh and the smallest hotel room in the world, late as usual. Rode 78 miles to Krong Svay Rieng to a travel lodge type hotel called Romdoul Farm Resedence. Actually very nice. … Continue reading
Great day today. Left a little late though so rode in heat of day longer than would have liked but got some great mileage done. 64 to be exact. The heat makes it a lot harder than I thought but … Continue reading
A quick update. Ride 60 miles today through some great countryside away from the main road with temperatures in low 30s C. Hard work in the heat. Ate lunch for a £1 and booked hotel for £11. Nice to be … Continue reading