29th June.
I’ll just stay a few more nights….
Dave had left to get a visa and was heading to Vietnam.
Jack and I went to see a Wat (Monks temple) and a bamboo bridge. Very local to hostel. Walked. 20,000 kip (£2) for temple. 5,000 kip (50p) for bridge. Both well worth doing due to being easy walking distance.
My shirt is soaked with sweat from humidity.
Met a couple of girls that night telling me about the bamboo bridge, that it was a waste of time. I asked if they went to bar on the other side and they looked confused, they said there wasn’t one. After exchanging a few photos it was clear they had gone to the wrong bridge. It was funnier at the time. They also paid 7000 kip 70p for their crossing :-). There are a few of them actually and some are broken and have fallen into river, the one crossing the Nam Khan River very close to Phousi hill and temple is the one. :-).
30th June.
Easy day. Drove round the old quarter of town that has a Euro feel in parts due to French colonisation. Very nice. Had BBQ that you cooked yourself over a coal fire. Compliments to the chief ;-).
1-2 July.
Cleaned bike. Fixed clicking in the crank bearings (hopefully).
Wrote bloody blog. Ate. Chilled.
Leaving tomorrow and running over some ground I have covered already. Great route along route 13 back towards Phou khoun, although there are a few government bodies including the UK that have issued a ‘no go’ warning due to a sniper in the area shooting at busses etc. Bit of a worry. At least the road will be quiet. 🙂